Hey, I'm an INTP !
According to that page, I took this particular test halfway 2003.
INTP is one of the Myers-Briggs
. I that system, you've got 4 aspects, each with two possibilities. A
fairly simple system. I'll list my takes on the 4 of them below.
- (I+T) Introverted Thinker
- Logic, order, good thinkwork. Analysing things. I want to understand
things, mechanisms, reality, current politics, history,
etc. According to the theory, this aspect is the main
characteristic of an INTP.
- (N+P) iNtuition, Perceiving
- I want to understand things (as an introverted thinker). Perhaps
ironically, one of the ways in which I try to piece everything
together is via intuition. I want to understand the whole. I
want to perceive everything. To
use my christian background as an example: when I study the bible,
I'm always conscious of my intuitive grasp/image of the whole of
God's character. What I'm reading at that moment has to be
integrated into the whole. It all has to fit. If something
(intuitively, by feeling) doesn't seem to fit, it might be needed to
look for different explanations, to look further/deeper.
If I look at the description at
typelogic, I especially
recognise the following points:
- "INTPs are relatively easy-going and amenable to most anything until
their principles are violated, about which they may become outspoken
and inflexible."
- "Mathematics is a system where many INTPs love to play, similarly
languages, computer systems--potentially any complex system. INTPs
thrive on systems."
- "Introverted Thinking strives to extract the essence of the Idea
from various externals that express it."