Hi, I'm Reinout van Rees. A Django/Python programmer from the Netherlands. Happily married to Annie van Rees and with two kids (one of them has her own website now!). Main content here is my weblog: mostly programming-related, but also personal stuff. But I also have some pages on recumbent bikes and building-construction research :-)
Ik ben Reinout van Rees, een Django/Python programmeur en ligfietser. Da's tenminste het het gros wat je hier op m'n website zult vinden. Ik ben getrouwd met Annie van Rees en we hebben twee kinderen.
My maximum was 113kg. My goal is 80kg (and perhaps a bit below).
I've got stuff spread out on lots of different sites.
My name is Reinout van Rees and I program in Python, I live in the Netherlands, I cycle recumbent bikes and I have a model railway.