(One of my summaries of a talk at the 2021 10th Dutch PyGrunn one-day python conference).
He wants to show us some insights from the 2021 offerzen developer survey . (The report is open data, btw, so you can download the data and do your own analysis on it.)
Background and education.
Junior/senior: after 4 year, you’re no longer a junior. Management roles start pick up after 6-10 years. Note: there are differences between countries.
Salary: 32k for a junior, 47k intermediate, 60k senior, 73k tech lead/management. The rise in salary is pretty linear with your career progression.
Degrees: 57% computer science.
A massive amount (44%) is self-taught. 28% at school, 21% at university.
People start coding young! 13-18 year is the most prevalent.
75% do some coding for fun outside of their jobs.
Skills and learning
The most promising industry: AI and cloud computing. (It is a bit weird that they’re grouped together, perhaps).
Python is the most desired language devs want to work with, followed by typescript and go.
The most used languages are javascript, sql and typescript. Python is #4.
Frequency of learning a new language: 30% every few months, 32% once a year and 33% every few years.
Devs like challenging projects (67%). New languages/frameworks is 43%.
Non-financial things devs look for when looking for a new job: 58% the language to work with. 50% opportunity to grow. 48% office environment or company culture.
26% want to stay for at least 5 years, 23% at least 2 years. The rest is looking for jobs within 2 years or sooner.
Reasons to leave: 48% bad management. 42% looks for a better salary. The work/life balance is number three.
Reason to stay: work/life balance (62%), people you work with (55%).
You can take the survey for next year’s report here: https://bit.ly/PyGrunn
My name is Reinout van Rees and I program in Python, I live in the Netherlands, I cycle recumbent bikes and I have a model railway.
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