Foss4g NL: more afternoon sessions

Tags: foss4g, geo

(One of my summaries of a talk at the 2021 FOSS4G NL one-day conference).

New EU rules for data and digital services - Ton Zijlstra

His slides:

There are new laws being proposed in Europe on data and digitization that will have influence on geodata. The idea: “digital compass & digital rights and principles”.

  • Digital markets act: if you’re really dominant, this is a law that applies to you.

  • Digital services act: more or less the same rules as above, but less strict for “regular” companies.

  • AI regulation: a set of rules that get stricter the more riskfull it is. Riskfull? The way in which it can impact us humans and critical infrastructure, for instance.

  • Open data directive. Open data gets more broad: musea, utility companies, semi-government. And there will be more mandatory open data that the government has to make available.

  • Data act. A bit more transparency.

  • Data government act: this is an important one. Lots of data that could be open cannot be open because it is too sensitive. But it is valuable. Such data might have to be made available anyway, but in a manner that’s privacy-friendly.

Exchanging data: always hard. They propose “data spaces”: specific sectors within which the exchange has to work well. Between sectors, it doesn’t necessarity have to work completely seamless.

The green deal already assumes the EU data strategy as a given. So lots of data that impacts the green deal will need to conform earlier. Like INSPIRE open geodata! Digital twins are also a component here.

What can FOSS4G help with? Federation&interoperability, standards, open tools, cross-border cooperation. We’re quite good at that and we can help shape the new standards.

We’re also involved in many of the green deal-related data spaces: agri, geo, mobility, environment.

Look at this (Dutch) wiki: , this can for instance help in figuring out which subsidies are available. And collaborating on data spaces and to collect use cases.

The indispensable role of open data and GIS in travel photography - Sabine de Milliano

As a hobby, she’s a photographer. And she likes roadtrips through Europe. Last year she made a travel photo book.

She wanted to have maps in her photo book, having a geo background. She did have to convince the book company that maps belonged in an art-like photo book. “Yes, I know how to do it and they will be beautiful.”

But open data also helped with planning the trips. You need to find nice places. And how about the sunlight? When do you have to be in a certain place? Does a road run in the valley or does it run higher up the hill so that you can make a beautiful photo? What’s the road surface like (and what is the influence on the estimated speed/planning)?

  • OpenTopoMap: a very nice map rendering for looking at the topography. You get a good impression of the landscape. Are there mountains? It is interesting at many zoomlevels.

  • Google maps with the satellite photos (not open data, though, but useful for finding some items).

  • Openstreetmap + qgis was what she used for creating the maps for the book. logo

About me

My name is Reinout van Rees and I work a lot with Python (programming language) and Django (website framework). I live in The Netherlands and I'm happily married to Annie van Rees-Kooiman.

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