Djangocon: an intro to docker for djangonauts - Lacey Williams Henschel

Tags: djangocon, django, python

(One of my summaries of a talk at the 2018 European djangocon.)


  • Nice: it separates dependencies.

  • It shares your OS (so less weight than a VM).

  • It puts all memmbers on the same page. Everything is defined to the last detail.

But: there is a pretty steep learning curve.

Docker is like the polyjuice potion from Harry Potter. You mix the potion, add a hair of the other person, and you suddenly look exactly like that other person.

  • The (docker) image is the person you want to turn into.

  • The (docker) container, that is you.

  • The Dockerfile, that is the hair. The DNA that tells exactly what you want it to look like. (She showed how the format looked).

  • docker build actually brews the potion. It builds the image according to the instructions in the Dockerfile.

Ok. Which images do I have? Image Revelio!: docker images. Same with continens revelio: docker container ls.

From that command, you can grap the ID of your running container. If you want to poke around in that running container, you can do docker exec -it THE_ID bash

Stop it? Stupefy! docker stop THE_ID. But that’s just pause. If it is Avada kedavra! you want: docker kill THE_ID.

Very handy: docker-compose. It comes with docker on the mac, for other systems it is an extra download. You have one config file with which you can start multiple containers. It is like Hermione’s magic bag. One small file and you can have it start lots of things.

It is especially handy when you want to talk to, for instance, a postgres database. With two lines in your docker-compose.yml, you have a running postgres in your project. Or an extra celery task server.

Starting up the whole project is easier than with just plain docker: docker-compose up! Running a command in one of the containers is also handier.

The examples are at

Photo explanation: station signs on the way from Utrecht (NL) to Heidelberg (DE). logo

About me

My name is Reinout van Rees and I work a lot with Python (programming language) and Django (website framework). I live in The Netherlands and I'm happily married to Annie van Rees-Kooiman.

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