... thesis3.1
Dutch: afstudeerverslag.
... system3.2
In the Netherlands, architects use the elementenmethode. For Specifications the STABU system is used. The electro-technical industry uses ETIM. And for road and water construction there's CROW.
For the Netherlands, [20] gives a total number of 65000 individual companies, 500 of which are part of the 12 big consortia. That is less than 1%. Dutch industry organisation Bouwend Nederland cites SMEs are 90% of the membership [21]. Near the end of [22], a secretary of a Dutch software company federation [23] says that a technology like IFC is something used by the top 1% of the construction companies. They have their own solutions, he and the other software vendors are delivering to the other 99% percent of the market. Also [15] mentions that only 1% of the companies employ more than 100 people.
... extranets4.2
The Dutch project extranets that I investigated resembled web-based document management systems with a forum and discussion possibility and some workflow.
... views5.1
A representation.
Technically, a Specification consists of both specification drawings and the specification text. In this dissertation Specification is used as a shorthand for `specification text', as is common.
... version5.3
This does not include the actual product data (the catalogs), though.
... library5.4
In the rest of the thesis, the term Ontology will be used. That is a more correct term than `object library' and more in line with Internet terminology.
The term `the web' could be more accurate, as that indicates the most recent additions to the more than 20 years old Internet: HTTP, HTML, XML. The Internet also includes the TCP/IP protocol, FTP, email, etcetera.
... identified.6.2
The only thing that is theoretically scarce is the domain name (like vanrees.org). Everything that comes after the http://vanrees.org is totally free, though. In practice, every current project of 10 houses or more already has its own web page, if only to interest prospective buyers.
... ways6.3
Instead of HTTP's GET, you'd have getDoc(), get_document(), retrieve() and so on: a different method for every application.
... use6.4
Binary data compared to textual data: ever tried importing a Word document using a plain text editor? Note that the comparison is between textual and binary data formats, not between plain *.txt files and *.doc files.
Technically URI, but the distinction is small enough to use the more familiar term URL.
... bottleneck6.6
The current LexiCon Explorer version is based on a central mysql database and allows distributed development within one company, so the problem is being addressed.
... tools6.7
A core developer of a BC STEP-related standard needed somebody else's help to update the standard, as the company wouldn't afford the ExpressG editing tool.
... cardinality6.8
Cardinality means how much something can occur. A `door' with a cardinality of two till four means that there are at least two doors and four doors maximum.
... license6.9
Note that this thesis is itself available under a CC license, see details [*].
The way the term Ontology is used here, it implies that you can say Ontologies to indicate a number of domain conceptualisations. This is consistent with the way the term is used most often nowadays. Ontology can also be understood as meaning just the science field, in which case there can only ever be one Ontology. This is not the way the term is used in this thesis. Just trying to comfort some well-trodden toes...
... bridges8.2
There are differences in the technical details of the various foundations, but there are more similarities than differences. Alternative foundation types that are not relevant to for instance houses can be left out by a restriction mechanism.
When looking up `GARM' in google, you mostly find references to a hell hound from Norse mythology...
In the implementation, a second object type is added: the abstract TS. The abstract TS supertype's only purpose is to aid in development. The intention is to never ever bring the end-users into contact with this abstract object. During development it is sometimes handy to group a set of fulfills/consist_of relations that occur a lot in one place. This set of relations can then be used by the real technical solutions, saving you the effort to add those relations to each and every one of those technical solutions. The abstract TS supertype is always postfixed with the word SSolution". For example the abstract TS super type `beam solution' is used to describe the common characteristics of all the TSs that are able to fulfill the functional requirements of the FU `beam'.
... addition8.5
When such a project instantiation is available over the Internet, mining tools can select the most promising candidates for inclusion automatically.
... services8.6
Technical note: It probably bears repeating that in this thesis, `web services' is not intended to be equal to `SOAP', but that the so-called REST web services style is advocated, using just HTTP+XML+RDF.
... bootstrap8.7
Bootstrapping is a term from the Baron von Münchhausen story, where the Baron pulls himself out of the swamp with the straps of his own boots. In ICT it is used to indicate the point where an idea or technology can stand on its own without needing outside support, it can fuel further growth on its own.
... hand8.8
Imagine having an A4 format paper placed each morning at each work location with the relevant list of materials (as a checklist), the relevant part of the drawings and a work description. All enabled by the generic and ubiquitous information access. Except for perhaps the top 1% companies, this is currently just a dream.
... tools9.1
For some personal observations as background for the choice, see http://vanrees.org/research/phd/choice.
... community9.2
As a measurement, a count was made of the CAD/GUI/visual basic developments and the server-related developments for the presentations at 2003's w78 conference. It was approximately 2:5 server:GUI.
In this chapter, `object library' is used as a synonym for `Ontology'. Ontology is the more correct term, but object library was chosen in the beginning of the implementation as a seemingly more user friendly term.
... mechanism9.4
Technically: Plone's archetypes mechanism.
... foregone9.5
The files serving as input were downloaded from the Internet, but the program itself was just running locally.
... techniques9.6
The problem were the so-called new-style classes, which at the time couldn't be stored in the ZODB. An amazingly similar product, `Zemantic', targets the newer Zope version and doesn't have this problem. The latest developments even allow use of rdflib directly.
... scale10.1
Many European projects in the past tried to develop EU-standards from scratch (without national standards). All these projects failed, they could not agree on common definitions because there are no common definitions.
... case10.2
Some data used for the case was graciously provided by the Bouwdienst, the engineering service of the Dutch department of Road and Waterworks.
... manageable10.3
Note that ordering information in CAD drawings is useful, so classifications are useful. They are not a panacea for all woes, however.
... source11.1
This does not mean that the applications have to be open source too.
... contribution11.2
First mention was in 2002 [123].
... organisation11.3
`The organisation' does not necessarily mean one single organisation. There is, however, development work to be done, web server space to be paid and content to be added. Manpower can be donated or volunteered, web server bills paid. Perhaps this is best handled through one channel, though open source developments have shown that looser forms are also capable of working. Material funding, manpower/data funding and financial funding are needed, though.
... license14.1
Except several images that have other copyright holders, as indicated.