Chapter 8. Conclusions

Table of Contents
Conclusions from Part I in ceXML - an XML vocabulary for building and civil engineering: outlining the problem
Conclusions from Part II in ceXML - an XML vocabulary for building and civil engineering: the building stones: XML and other initiatives
Conclusions from Part III in ceXML - an XML vocabulary for building and civil engineering: Design and implementation of the vocabulary
Successfulness of this research project
Perspective for the building and construction industry
My personal appraisal of this research project

This chapter first lists the most important conclusions from the entire document. This is followed by a comparison of the results and the original objectives. It closes with a personal appraisal of the research project.

Conclusions from Part I in ceXML - an XML vocabulary for building and civil engineering: outlining the problem

Three major existing solutions are available. Due to it's specific nature (fragmented, many relationships), the building and construction industry isn't using any of these solutions. So there is no industry-wide standard for the building and construction industry and none of the three existing solutions comes close to being that industry-wide standard.

The building and construction industry lags behind when compared with other industries and to solve that problem, a simple, cheap electronic solution is needed. In the European setting, a mapping of languages and concepts onto each other is needed.