Django under the hood: custom database backends - Michael Manfre

Tags: django, djangocon

(One of my summaries of a talk at the 2016 django under the hood conference).

Tip: watch django in depth by James Bennett. The database backend is right there at the bottom of the lowest level.

What does the database backend do? It sits between the Django ORM and the actual database driver. There’s a PEP249, the DB-API 2.0 specification for python code to talk to the actual database driver.

Django abstracts away many of the differences between databases. But not all databases are created equal, so sometimes supporting what django expects is hard. Michael maintains the microsoft sql backend and showed some of the differences.

If you need a custom database backend, you could subclass an existing django database backend. There’s a read-only postgres db backend that has only a few lines of code. But if you create one from scratch, you need to implement about 8 classes.

  • The DatabaseWrapper talks to the PEP249 python database library. Important: the “vendor” string to help django do specific things when it uses your database.

    There are other attributes that tell django how to map simple queries to actual SQL. iexact, less than, stuff like that.

  • CursorWrapper. This one wraps the database cursor. So it tranlates execute, executemany, fetchone, fetchmany, fetchall, etc., to how the database talks.

  • CursorDebugWrapper: the same as above, only it adds timing information and logging everywhere. Django uses it in DEBUG mode.

  • DatabaseFeatures: a list of features that the database supports. It is mainly used to automatically exclude/include tests from django’s testcase.

  • DatabaseSchemaEditor: used by the migration mechanism to change your database schema. Altering a field is complex.

  • DatabaseCreation. It creates and destroys test databases.

  • DatabaseIntrospection. Used by the inspectdb management command. For his mssql database backend, it is important functionality. It is used relatively often.

  • DatabaseValidation: this hooks the backend into django’s upon-startup validation mechanism.

  • DatabaseOperations is where various bits and pieces that didn’t fit elsewhere went. A big part: date and time helpers.

There’s more than these classes, though.

If you make a query, in the end the .as_sql() method is called on an “sql compiler”. For a custom database backend, you might need to do customization here. Internally, django seems to prefer Postgresql’s sql style.

Database expressions are nice. But they did mean a substantial amount of work in his mssql database backend.

A good video: Josh Smeaton’s “customize your sql”.

You need to look at database-specific ways in which you could do database injection. And catch it.

You need custom tests. And you’ll sometimes need to monkeypatch existing tests with @expectedFailure. But the good thing is that there’s a huge amount of existing tests that will be run on your database.

railway tunnel entrance

Photo explanation: what is in the back of that tunnel? (Railway tunnel in Monreal, Germany).

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My name is Reinout van Rees and I work a lot with Python (programming language) and Django (website framework). I live in The Netherlands and I'm happily married to Annie van Rees-Kooiman.

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