As discussed in chapter 2, BC process innovation should focus on a substantial increase of the information and knowledge sharing capacity of the industry at large. Unlike industries like automotive and shipbuilding, BC projects are usually temporary joint ventures of companies that realise a unique project in a unique Virtual Enterprise. Information and knowledge developed in a project is not stored for re-use in later projects. Improvisation is the trick of the trade.
Starting point is the idea that definitions of terms of the BC industry can be entered into the computer as reference definitions that can be used by humans and computer programs as a kind of BC Esperanto. i.e. a common language understood by humans and computers alike. Smart computer applications are able, like human co-workers, to complete tasks in close co-operation with other co-workers and other smart computer applications without human interference--though not without human control.
Reference object definitions can be organised in many ways, i.e. alphabetic, according to a Classification, system wise, etc., but a more elaborate bcoWeb should aim to: